Saturday, July 27, 2013


Hello Everyone!

I am excited to see people coming out to check the blog and supporting me in my trip overseas. It is nice to hear people rooting me on from work, school, church, and otherwise. It is quite the motivation and I look forward to keeping you all informed as I travel to Taiwan.

The blog is developing swimmingly, I even have a Facebook Page but the Video Journal is definitely lacking in support. I have made a Facebook Event for it as well. There are only 7 more days left. It needs $1,750 in order for it to be fantastic, but the Kickstarter says $500...

I know this may be confusing, but the absolute minimum for the project is $500, so that is why it is listed there. That is enough for me to buy a camera, a lapel mike, and a video-editing program. It is not enough to make a good program that allows for subtitled interviews in Mandarin with people I meet in markets, shop reviews, food and recreation, exhibits, and conversations with leaders of Taiwanese businesses and organizations. I can speak Mandarin, and give you insight into what's going on. I want to be able to include the Taiwanese people in something that will be worthwhile, and I want to include you as well.

A donation of any amount gets you listed on the blog as sponsor. If we reach 300 people that donate $5, then I will have more than enough. That's the price of a Big Mac meal! If you can save one big mac meal for me, I will be able to create a quality video that will really give you insight into what's going on in our global community. Even if it is just $1, the more of you that show your support, the more momentum I can use for the campaign.

So please, donate in any amount at and spread the word to everyone else. Send it to professors, classmates, work friends, parents, and anyone else you can.  Again, here are the links to the Facebook Page and the Kickstarter Event Page.  Join the community, show your support, and take some time to drop one or two bucks in the hat. They add up faster than you know.

Apelles Johnson
Hoosier in Taiwan

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