Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hi Hoosiers,

This next video is a bit candid...

 It is in preparation for the final cut of the First Pilot episode of "Hoosier in Taiwan". That episode will cover my first two weeks here, and each episode following will cover every two weeks after that.

Today, AIRPLANES! This was my first time on airplanes and the experience was unexpectedly magical. There is free food on the international flights. we were served two meals + a snack. The stewardesses were well dressed, and I flew China Air. I found the flight enjoyable, and I got a window seat. Looking out at the clouds was a life-changing experience. It is a different artistic view there that cannot be explained.

Well, here is Hoosier in Taiwan: Prelude Part 1. The next part will be out soon, followed by the episode concerning my arrival in New Taipei City. I wish you all the best!

I also realized that if you all want to see my videos as they develop, just subscribe to the Youtube page at the bottom of this video. Please continue to like and share!

With Love,

Apelles Johnson
Hoosier in Taiwan


  1. So that was your first time flying?? How long was the flight and how big was the plane? I need to go overseas to a different country someday and it better b a big o plane!! The planes I have flown have been not huge damn it!!

  2. JAMIE! Yeah man, it was my first time flying going from Indy to LA I believe was the tiny plane. I am guessing domestic flights are a bit smaller while international flights are larger and more accommodating. When I went from LA to Taiwan, travelling well!

    So from like, here to New York would probably be a small flight, but New York to Europe would be an international one. I flew China Airlines. They had great food and good service. International tickets through are more expensive (because you are going farther) but airlines seem to take that into account and hence accommodate you further.

    I had two meals, Dinner and Breakfast. Plus there were a ton of in-flight movies to choose from, and VIDEO GAMES! So if you want to just try an International flight for the sake of flying in a big plane, do some research and fly across the border!

  3. Sup Bruh! This is Chris! When u get settled get blogging.
    Ill keep u in prayer.

    1. Right on man! Thanks for the prayers. I made it to Taiwan Finally and it is a handful! I will be posting the preliminary stuff in your tomorrow morning! Thanks for commenting! You will see some amazing stuff!
