Friday, August 23, 2013

That’s Right! I have arrived safely in Taiwan! September 11 is the official Date for things to go LIVE!


The date for the release of the First Pilot episode is set. That will also be the date where the website’s updates will be completed, DVDs will begin to be sent out to backers, Youtube playlists finished, and Facebook Album’s filled! It is going to be an EXCITING September and thereafter. So thanks to your support! Below are some great samples of what’s to come!

The delay of content is due to some interesting prospects that have occurred since my arrival. First, I realized that I would love to add Street Walks, Landscapes, Food , and Chinese Character learning to the blog...

Allow me to Explain Hoosier in Taiwan's upcoming features:
The Video Journal: These will be fancy videos like the prelude that will have personal revelations, insights, specific topics from backers etc.  
Street Walks: Video segments of me (and you) choosing a specific street or district in Taiwan, walking around with the camera, sending the video to you, then returning to the street to look into something that you found interesting.  Kinda like this, but longer:

The Landscapes: Recording of beautiful landscapes, perhaps set to music (perhaps your choice of song) so that you all can see first-hand what the landscape looks like. I have taken some great shots and would love to share those with you, like this:


Food:  Is just that. . .Delicious food. Those will be images and like this

Chinese Characters: Daily translations of words that I have found useful. Good resource for anyone coming to Taiwan. They will be recordings of my face saying chinese words:

Again, I apologize for being few and far between right now, but I have been blown away by both Taiwan’s culture and structure, but also their Typhoons. It’s been a typhoon here today and while the school system at which I work has a conference planned, it got messed up on account of rain and it has delayed my ability to post content. So here are some more images!


There is so much I want to share with you all about the project, its progression and its completion, though I want to make it perfect before I do. Hoosier in Taiwan is to be a resource  for generations to come, so it is taking me a while to organize it and make sure it is professional and practical.

That said, I do want to share a few feelings with you in a…slightly less professional manner…


2. The food. The food and restaurant competition here is fiercer than a mother bear. Everywhere you look there is another restaurant, another convenience store, and another way to eat something you thought you had tried at the restaurant you ate at yesterday. I will be making a Food  portion for the Blog and adding it. Definitely.

3. The sights! I am currently based in Danshui Taiwan which is basically located at the northern tip of the island country. Here, it is a five minute walk to an ocean view filled with mountains lining the horizon. The setting is picturesque and the city feels like home. New Taipei City is just large enough to feel like the hub of commerce that it is known to be, but is small enough to have a unified identity, culture and sense of hospitality.

4. The people. Taiwanese hospitality has been the highlight of my trip. My encounters with the locals of Danshui and New Taipei City have always been one of welcome, honesty, understanding, and compassion. While there is a possibility that, as a foreigner, I get additional respect and courtesy as Taiwanese people know that I need additional assistance to get around, but every one of my collegues, foreign or not, vouch for Taiwanese hospitality. To put it into more concrete terms, this trailer video was made and shot by a local guy. He was my age, and out of the blue, ended up helping me for a half hour. I haven’t gotten his permission to show his face, but without his help, that video would not have happened.

Overall, this has been a fantastic journey that has just now begun! I hope you all will stay with me. I took a week off to acclimate to my environment so I haven’t been in touch with home as much as I should. However, I feel a bit more acclimated now and am happy to show you all what I have been up to.

I wish you all the best, and please write comments to me whenever you get the chance! Jamie, Chris, and others, I appreciate your recent comments. They have motivated me and kept me posting! Please write something every once in a while guys and I will be looking for your suggestions in the street walk and food sections! Also, to the donors who gave more than $50, be sure to send in your video suggestions before the September 11th Deadline!

Wish you the best!

Apelles Johnson

Hoosier in Taiwan



  1. Jealous am I! It looks amazing so keep the pictures coming. I know nothing of Taiwan so this has me interested in learning more. Are you with others that are from here that are doing the same as you? I'll be thinking of more questions but keep truck man!! By the end of your trip your students will be better at English than me... Thanks not hard though

  2. Yo! Thanks for writing! Yeah, there are others that are with me from my university. We are all high school and elementary school teachers. I will be adding their blogs to the site as well once it is up and running.

    Keep questioning away! I'm really excited about the street walks man. If you see anything in any of the videos, tell me the time in the youtube clip (i.e. 2:47 ) and i will go back in real life and look into that thing you saw!

    English is pretty hard to learn, but Chinese is too. So we will see! Make sure to share things as well, especially the teaser trailer!

  3. and subscribe to the youtube channel!

  4. I just sent you an email about what I want you to look into, so you should check it soon!

  5. I DID receive the E-mail and I will reply shortly. Thanks for all the great suggestions! I will definitely look into it soon. I already have planned to eat the seared squid here. Apparently it a staple in my area of Taiwan and I would be silly not to!

  6. Hi Apelles!!!
    I enjoyed watching your episodes. The squid grossed me out, but in a strange way, I like it when others eat/try the stuff I never would! I'm curious what is the exchange rate and how much would 125 be here?
    Looking forward to wacthing, seeing and learning so much more!

    Be safe!

    1. The squid was actually pretty good. It's not the best though, there is a small shop on old street that takes that title. But theirs isn't that bad.

      Exchange rate is $1-30 Taiwanese Dollars (NT). So 125NT is roughly $4.

      The awesome part is that 125NT was not the price for just the squid, but also the GIANT Chicken and the fries!

      The exchange rate for food prices is really low here. Other things are about the same, but food is definitely cheaper!
