Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hoosier in Taiwan!!!

Pilot Episode! Check it out!

Thanks for your support!!!! Hopefully this project will continue to be a ton of fun! I look forward to hearing from you all! For those who didn't look closely, REAL launch date is this Saturday!


  1. Awesome to see you moving forward bro! Keep it up. And that place looks MAZIN'!!

  2. That was cool !!! I know you are extremely busy, just wanted you to know WE ARE WITH YOU... and waiting for the next pilot.Keeping you in our prayers,
    The Indy Gang

    1. Right on INDY GANG! I am working on it hard so hopefully everything I want to be done is done by Saturday afternoon. I'm HYYYYPPPEEEEE!!! Thanks for the prayers and the loooove.

      Apelles J.
