Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hoosier in Taiwan: Episode 1 (Pilot)


I’m am so happy to finally give you all what you’ve been so patiently waiting for. I hope it lives up to your expectations. Thanks to your support I’ve been able to get some fantastic equipment that made this movie possible. Please send me feedback so I know what you think of it, either in a letter a comment, a facebook post, any and all the ways you can send me your good wishes.
I read ALL your comments and I will comment back to each one once they arrive! Please like, Thumbs up, share, blog about, and generally yell it on top of a building to everyone you know.

The website is still under renovation and while I’ve been trying to figure it out, I think its time I called in my tech support so that its up and running sooner. I told you all that I would have a fancy area for supported links and food and scenery and streetwalk tabs, but the internets are hard to finagle alone.

Finally, the short blog entry for this post is underneath the embedded video. Please go to the full website at to read that as well.

 Thank you everybody! This is just the beginning! Please make sure to subscribe to the blog and Youtube channels for more exciting videos as I show you what it’s like to be a Hoosier in Taiwan!


Apelles Johnson
Hoosier in Taiwan
Hoosier in Taiwan: Episode 1 - Pilot part 1

Hoosier in Taiwan: Episode 1 - Pilot Part 2




     I am sitting in my office at 6:25 at night listening to a group of children singing a happy birthday to one of their classmates. Their voices are innocent and happy. They sing "Zhu ni shengri kuai le. Zhu ni shengri kuai le."


~Happy birthday to you.~


     There is no Chinese birthday song. None that I've ever heard. But in the next room, I can hear them singing their hearts out and clapping as a friend of theirs cuts their birthday cake. I hear the birthday song and think of smashing my brother's face into a newly bought cake, inaugurating him into his next year. The song is sang beautifully, but translated word for word into perfect Mandarin. This is my culture they are singing. To them, it is their culture.


This birthday song sung in Mandarin is the most accurate description of Taiwanese culture...

     A kind teacher brought me a slice of cake from the event. Inside of the double chocolate layers, were two fillings, one of strawberry jam, the other of custard. The texture and flavor combination is sweet and viscous and I gobble it up with a fork the size of two toothpicks. Here, that's a standard size.


     This is the difference between being a tourist in Taiwan and living here. I've been in Taiwan for a month now and feel as though I have earned the right to begin writing about my experience at length. The culture is as vibrant as it is docile and feels like wading through a rainbow made of pastel colors. The differences between my culture and Taiwan's are all around me, yet the only way to relay them to you, is to capture them as I live through them.


~Welcome to Hoosier in Taiwan.






  1. Just read your blog and check out your vids. Taiwan! Looks! Amazing! It's freaking awesome to see you "being about your fathers business". Always thinking about you and praying for you bro. Stay safe.

    1. Right on Pigeon! I am definitely going to be sending you some awesome stuff as well. You've been commenting faithfully so I thought I'd grab something a lil extra and send it back to the states for ya! It's gonna roooock!

  2. "You see how much chicken that is?" lol

    Great video. It was very informative. Looking forward to more.

    1. Cheif JEEF!!!!

      Right on man. Hopefully it will have informative parts, fun parts, English parts, Chinese parts, street walks, scenic views etc. This one kinda has everything in one :)

      So yeah, stay in touch. And send me the link to your blog again. I'm going to try to have an "affiliated" links column on the page and I definitely want to include yours.
