Friday, October 25, 2013

Caught up! Apologies Hoosiers!

Finally! I can breathe.

Exam times have come to Tamkang and between chasing down students for their homework and trying to convince the administration that my scores are correct...and correcting the ones that weren't, I have finally completed exams and can be prepared to post some more cool stuff!

I finally have the links to my pictures and can now begin to readily update you with photographs of my adventures! I used photobucket so now everyone can see then, regardless of whether or not you have a facebook or anything like that. Just click the links below!

All The Pictures

It feels great to finally be back in the swing of things. I had taken a second job and that ruined my free time. It also put me horribly behind schedule with work and Hoosier in Taiwan. Thankfully, I was allowed to quit my second job and have been taking a more active approach to things.

My major project is sorting through all the footage that I have managed to collect. I've seen monuments, skyscrapers, bosses, and pristine rivers and valleys. I am meeting some cool people while I am out here as well and it has just been a divine learning experience overall.

I have added an image link to the main toolbar that will take you to the photobooth and I'll let you know when there are new pictures. Also, in the left-hand column, there are associated links. Hunter's Video Journal is INCREDIBLE and I've been listening to it obsessively. If you all have any other blogs or projects you are working on that you would like to have linked here, please send me an e-mail and I'll see if I can add it!

 I will prayerfully be more conscous about you all and I thank everyone who did not forget about me and checked up on me as time went on. I definitely read all of your comments and appreciate your support.

I love you Hoosiers!

Apelles Johnson
Hoosier in Taiwan.

P.S. I am finally financially stable enough to send the packages out to everyone who needs them. The DVDs and presents will be in the mail soon!


  1. Glad to hear from you bro! Thought I was gonna have to send the troops in for ya! lolz I know right that's the last thing we need! JK anyway it's way awesome to see you follow your dreams so keep on keeping on! Luv you!

    Wanted to see the vid but it's private...*sad-face*

  2. Apelles!!!! Keep trucking your an inspiration!! I thank you for making the photo bucket as I do not believe in facebook.. boo!! :) Looks like your doing well and that you have some cute girls with you.. Thanks always a plus and friends of course. How come you had to take on a second job? Hell I couldnt do that here in the states. I am very interested in this zoo.. They have raccoons?? I use to catch wild animals for a living! I worked for Critter Control and I would catch raccoons, groundhogs, rats, mice, moles.. you name it. At one point I was driving around town with 7 raccoons in the back of my truck at once! Crazy times! Keep up all the hard work! We are still here and ready to hear from ya! Jamie

    1. James you be having some crazy times in your life man. I'll definitely send you some more crazy stories and putting more pictures up. I did neglect to put them on facebook now that the photobucket thing is working though, so I have to do that now!
